The Sanitizer

Captain Inspire Picture Captain Inspire Picture

The Sanitizer

Alter-ego: Ryan Lowell

Occupation: Building Engineer (Custodian)

School: Trowbridge Street School of Great Lakes Studies

Origin Story: As a Building Engineer, Ryan knows every square inch of his facilities. So, when a mysterious tool box appeared in his work room one day, Ryan noticed it immediately. Had a worker left it behind, he wondered, as he opened it up to look for the name of the owner. But much to his surprise, the toolkit was empty, except for one small object at the bottom of the box. Ryan reached into the box and picked up a polished tool that glowed in a pulsating rhythm. It was beautiful and like nothing he had ever seen before. Just as he picked it up, another one of the tools appeared in exactly the same position at the bottom of the toolkit. It was as if the tool had replicated itself as soon as Ryan held it in his hand. Just as Ryan began to examine the tool, his radio went off requesting assistance in the gym, and then again with a call from the drama room to assist with a broken heater. Ryan placed the tool in his pocket and went off to handle the call from the gym. After completing his work, he headed for the drama room, where he was met with perplexed stares from the teacher and the students. “Mr. Lowell, have you forgotten something?” asked the drama teacher. It appeared that Ryan had just left the drama room after fixing the issue they were having with their heat. Ryan asked if the problem was corrected, and the teacher responded “yes” so he headed back to his workroom, chalking it up to a strange case of The Mondays. But when Ryan entered his workroom, he was greeted with something truly strange. Standing next to the mysterious toolkit was … Ryan Lowell. It was if he was looking in the mirror at an exact copy of himself. As he reached into his pocket and removed the mysterious glowing tool, the second version of himself vanished into thin air right before his eyes. Ryan had discovered a Replicant, one of only 10 magical tools in the universe that allow the holder to replicate their efforts in many amazing ways. Ryan didn't know it, but in that moment, his life would change forever.

Special Abilities: As the holder of “The Replicant,” a tool created by an ancient alien civilization, Ryan is now able to replicate his efforts in ways he never thought possible. The tool allows him to duplicate his engineering skills and willingness to help and deploy them to an infinite number of places, all at the same time. And because all of Ryan’s replicas communicate telepathically, he can coordinate all of their efforts simultaneously and utilize all of their senses to observe and monitor his environment. In addition to the extra sets of hands, every time Ryan creates a new replica of himself, his amazing engineering know-how and problem-solving skill double in effectiveness. This gives him superhuman problem solving skills and the ability to calculate solutions to even the most complex engineering problems.

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